newest to oldest. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] (messin around and made this for a friend) [IMG]
yeah ur rite i should say somthing positive but i was in a shitty mood. sorry..... :'(
EVIL KNVIL i was playing speedfection (a gametype lots of you might have a different name for) and i did like a spiral thing, landed it,...
i r had answer long timez agoa
lolz at all,
[IMG] "Caption This" My take: SAVE MEH!
I know the heavenly hog thing is old but i just had to try it. the first one, your rite about i probably shouldn't do that in the future.
Heavenly Snipe : Halo 3 File Details Demon : Halo 3 File Details
hes in the middle at the very top were that really brightly gold colord crud is.
nice, lol it looks like bungie took your spartan to paint and used the glitter tool on it ^_^ nice 5/5
[IMG] My new "Platinum" effect [IMG] eh, it's easy but it looks cool to me. [IMG] sniper and a
3 words, i love you. this map is amazingly playable to be that asthetic. i never thaught it possible.
Simple but a new idea, never thaught of another Veitnam Memorial type thing. Very original, 4/5
is this worth posting? honestly? put time into maps don't fart around and say, "i think i'll put a tank and a banshee and call this somthing from...
IMO defiance is way simple, and in the first one i agree that the spartan should be more noticeable.
this idea has been used to much with the " Malignant " and a few other's ive seen around. you should try to be more original, but there is a...
Thnx guys means a lot to me for this being my first map i acctually tried on.
i love the drop pod lol its a GREAT idea. 4/5 Very creative and the rooms have a good veiw lol.
i like it, its just even enough to be fun but just un predictable enough to change gameplay each round. it hella fun and i like how the missle pod...