you remade Zanzibar in Halo 3? why? Last Resort basically is Zanzibar...
Re: Intersection (Fixed) SWAT is just awesome period. i played it with some friends last night in Halo 2 and totally kicked their asses.
Re: Intersection (Fixed) nice.
dude, its BadassNinja from Neo!!! whats up man?
i dont understand the unlimited money. i havent tried it, only read how to do it and i didnt get it. i would like to though.
lets see some Boarding Action remakes!! remember that from CE? attacking each other with Rockets and Snipers! fun fun fun! and in addition to...
i know i just tried it out and its ok. it actually really reminds me of it, i can pick out almost all the parts of it. i guess thats about as...
ive always wanted to remake Chiron. i see there is only 1 remake of Chiron, which is listed in the first post of this thread. i downloaded it but...