Hello! I need a bit of help. I'm creating a game that (should) have multiple hills and multiple bombs. One team with multiple hills, one with...
Imagine this. A long, narrow ramp. At the top, a KillBall sits. The KillBall has Normal physics, meaning it can roll. Players spawn a little...
Thank you! And I understood those words. Battleman36, thank you as well. Happy playing!
Hey, that's awesome! The zombie path start on the right, jumps over the human track, and leads into a mancannon that pushes it into a wall - like...
[IMG] "Winding and curving in tremendous elegance, dodging explosions and rockets won't be your only fear." 5-16 players DOWNLOAD Map - "Rough...
I have not been on Forge Hub for a while... and I never needed help finding a map before, anyways. I'm assuming this is the correct place for...
Go ahead. Hope it will be fun!
fix'd. Though, I really have nothing against the map, these maps were getting old a month ago. Why not be original? Perhaps, Hornets added to...
You are correct.
Mini, hey! OMG YOU HAS RECON TOO??? Lol, just kidding. Though, I've quit Xbox, I still like to look at some maps. Nice map, by the way. Looks...
Race tracks aren't supposed to be thin and narrow. They're supposed to be thick, and easy to drive on. At least a Double Box wide. Never build a...
Could you elaborate? I don't know what you mean. Do you mean it seriously, sarcastically... ?
Looks okay. The "drop-pod" thing is kind of simple, though. It's a nice idea, but why not use a "wire-switch" to accomplish the dropping of a...
Seems like a very interesting and original game. But, the title could be offensive to some. It is almost like making a map based on 9/11 or...
Well, firstly, "fast" forging is not good for making a map. I mean, if you want to make a good map; interlock, plan better, and line up things....
Nice remake! The only thing I would suggest would be to take out the wall and add a barrier of teleporters at the end of the "splatter hallway" so...
Uh... looks interesting. I would suggest adding some hallways possibly leading to other large(r) rooms. Right now it's just a big box with some...
I like the suggestions, and as far as V2 goes, these can be worked in. With the choke-points, I am considering take them out and add "man-cannons"...
I'm pretty sure you're not the only one that has "already". In fact, you and the OP are both lacking originality. To the OP, I give you a 2/5:...
The original version had a Hornet. A later version suggested a different concept, the sniper kill (I'm thinking you played that version). The...