Hmm... Interesting... I think that MLG Pit Flag would be too easy to cap on. And it sounds like MLG Narrows Flag is too hard. Maybe if you created...
First off let me say the map looks incredible! Now, since I haven't actually played this map yet, I could be wrong, but I think that this map...
The map looks great. And if you need testers send me a message or FR over XBL (GT- UNiBoTx) and I can probably get some other people to come join.
I played it and it is very fun. Very faced paced, and crazy... Although I may have played it with too many people, fun nonetheless.
Looks awesome, I can't believe I have not seen other maps like it (as in, competitive jump maps)... I am a huge fan of jump and puzzle maps, so I...
Alright, my gt is powndclmn, so expect it later tonight.
Honestly I think it looks very good. The messiness is something more people need to use, it really mixes up gameplay and gives a more unique...
Well it wasn't designed to look nice, but rather be a fun "Hey let's get some people together and play some random customs!" And of course it is...
I don't care if people download or not, and my life does not revolve around pleasing the people at forgehub. And just so you know, we played many,...
Ahh I knew everyone was going to post the crap like you guys said. I just want you guys to know that if you have not played it you would not...
Junk Yard Use King of Junkies Created by powndclmn Helped by: Nova102 and Darth1Nader Description: What appears to be a random mess in...
No way!! Your on Forgehub too!? I think I have checked out your maps before, I didn't even realize you made them :P.
This map looks fantastic. I have never played **** Zombies, but I hear it is fun. This looks much better than playing a zombie game in CoD:WaW, I...
Well both are fun, but I think a two person one would be awesome, since I usually do the puzzle maps with my friend (even if there one person). I...
WOW! IS all I can say, I just played through this map. It is incredible, the interlocking and geo-merging are perfect. And the fireplace blew my...
I think he is saying that it would be a more appealing map if there was an interesting back story. As it would explain the what, what, why's of...
sweet, is it going to be two person?
This map looks AWESOME! One of the most original maps I have seen, or at least recently. I give it a 5/5 simply because of how sweet this map...
Tell me if you decide to change it, so that I can redownload the map. Also, are any of the other maps your working on puzzle maps?
I didn't even think of that, maybe you could put a shield door if front of it with a small gap to help the splash damage from the plasma grenade.