Books for the next theme?
I think the text would look better if it was staggered and in a smoother font. I like the rest of the sig.
Thanks, that means a lot coming from you, and yeah, I wasn't sure how I felt about the second one either, haha. Ab-so-lutely =D If I...
Just two wallpapers I threw together the other day using the new UNSC emblem. [IMG] [IMG] Enjoy, ignore, whatever <3
I am using awful Vista, so I can't remove the dumb arrow on the bottom of my icons that indicate it's a shortcut, otherwise it would be perfect......
Ahhg, After Story.. Why can't I hold all those feels?
I like the text PLACEMENT, not a fan of the font or color for it though. I really like the rest of the sig.
The Disappearance? I have had that on my to watch list for a while but never got around to it.
You mean in all anime? [IMG]
Haha, man, I remember those Wax boxes from engineering class. Nice work, looks very cool.
Hey, I haven't been here in 3 years and was wondering if I could get my Username changed to BWO Kilroy Just asking.
=O I love your sig.
Pfsh, I barely have enough money to support my gaming, girlfriends are too expensive. ;) Also forgot to add.. I am 20 years old I am an...
Haha, yeah, I am sure a few staff members will remember me :P
I am not really new, per-say, but I have been gone from Forgehub for almost 3 years... I look back now and realize I was kind of an immature...
Hey, I came back from BWO to try and Organize a Halo 4 Gamenight with you guys. Just a fun get together gamenight with BWO and Forgehub.
I remade this map from my Halo 3 version, and thanks to Reach's new Forging system, you can no longer Corner Camp. I didnt take screenshots...
it was pretty bad, I felt like it was full of filler clips that dont really mean anything, Assassinations arent really so hard to do that they are...
Yeah, I was really tired when I posted this....I had the Forge Discussion Forum Open, must have accidentally clicked New Thread in the wrong...
I dont know if anyone else has had this happen, but for some reason my map name never loads... EXAMPLE: Previous map was Hemorrhage, I load up...