There are plenty of modders out there, and i've already seen a map on youtube using the technique i'm about to suggest: Find someone who mods...
Wait why are all the objects on the map? for a budget glitch?
what's up man? Good to see a friend on here
Couldn't you just get out of the ghost on the central platform and if someone tries to ram you just jump over them?
Those aren't geomerged, they're interlocked
Only problem I can see besides the lack of a scoring system is that you could get rocketed above the shield doors and out of the arena.
i think FFA isn't, but not sure
Every gametype labeled neutral or multi is symmetric, while the ones labled one-sided and such are not. Every game where there is an equal...
How do you cone jump, ghost edge jump, and what is the curve to slide grav jump?
Can interlocked objects be geomerged?
Looks pretty good but the snipe tower seems too open. I would think people would get BR'ed by the time they grab snipe.
thanks man
I NEED HELP! I tried to merge a wall corner into the ground using single boxes to stabilize it and it went crazy on me. Should I use...