I had a similar idea, for the one I may build I was going to incorborate the the grass as a terain. That being said, mine would be more of a small...
Hello, I am looking for a person to help me create a competitve map on Tempest. I have part of it but I need help getting the actual idea working....
Ok, first of all, if you want us to judge your map fairly that it deserves screenshots are very important. Second when editing your map please...
I play on 10, its a lot easier for me.
I hate you Grim! Not actually but because of the fact that you are the best forge artist in the entire universe/dimsion! You take forge to the...
Ok first off. I think it may be a little small for 14 people. I'm guessing like 8 max, due to the limited cover that is provided. Secondly I like...
Dang, cause i thought that the spawn order could help.
Hi, I am currently building a map in which I need a obeject to bot spawn until a second of the same object is destroyed. Is there any way to make...
Ok, for a very long time now I have wanted to make a puzzle map, but I don't know which way to approach it from. I have never made a decent puzzle...
Well i suppose it is possible, I don't see why it wouldn't work actually, it's the same concept just in ctom games, why don't you test it and see....
Ya, I think that this is just by design, nothing to do with anything, the only reason for the table and shelving unit in the room with lever is so...
Okay, I went to this spot on legendary with three people. I couldn't activate the switch or anything. But in the room next to where the lever is...
Gamertag: DarkFalcon 9314 Times your on: weekdays 4:00pm -5:00pm, weekends: frequently Mic yes/no: yes Something describing yourself: I like...
Can some one get me a shovel? I need it to get my jaw off the ground. You have limit to your skill, I thought that the Brute Chieften was good,...
Wow, that is epiclly amazing, the vid was soo awesome. The gameplay looks well organized and very fun. Now at first I didn't now what it was but...
Great for a first map. I like the variation of indoor to semi-outdoor. From the pictures I can tell that the forging is clean, no messy unessary...
Ok, let me say this, very very nice. The map looks great and the aetshetics are wonderful. It actually makes me think I'm playing Invasion. It...
Ok, first things first. I really like th overall feel of the map. It's not overally crowded but not too bare ethier. From waht I can from the...
yup, ur turn to post
sorry to be so long, i've been busy. well here it is [IMG] Difficulty: easy/med