+ Nice map, DL from me, but just a suggestion (Don't know if anyone else has said it) you could, to make the map look a little more cleaner,...
DL'ding. This looks like a really good Infection map, a nice level, with loads of small tunnels connecting to bigger rooms, but unlike the sh*t...
Actually I think that is a plus, because if you really wanted to make it so you had to touch it you probably could, but this way makes it good for...
Hmm, what is stopping the humans from jumping out? And the top part looks easy to maro-jump out of..
The zombie spawns out at the front of the base looks dodgy, one explosive to get the forklift/hog/truck out the way and it wouldn't hard to spawn...
Looks awesome, The merging looks flawless. Especially the vent, and I love maps and incorporate a small confined space to crawl through. This is...
Well, since Infinity ward broke off the Call of Duty franchise, Sadly there will be no prestige, so that will be interesting to see how they get...
Erm... Has anyone downloaded this map? It's... Not what he claims it to be..
Looks nice, my only concern is: To get downloads, it's gonna have to be pretty much exactly identical to the other. And a good idea would be to...
That could easily be fixed. But has for the map, you getz a 4.5/5, I love this kinda of mini-game. The kind of one where if your inactive, your...
Sorry, but this isn't exactly new. This has been going on since Foundry, possibly longer. And also you don't need to use that much items to lock...
Thanks! =D
I thought they did, but I can't find it either.
In the tank?
Fair enough, when I get a new Xbox I'll go get some practice in.
About Hoggin'? Sure, it's not that hard when you get right down to it. Callouts and tactical routes from the driver. Priotising targets and steady...
Huzzah! We are saved!
Sweet, I loved DR, it's awsome that they are making a new one! I can't believe I never heard about it...
True, but I exepct it will be... At least I hope.
*Gasp* HACKER! Srsl, nice pic, how did you get in?