dont listen to ornage blob he always criticizes things too harshly; great map on a pre DLC from a first time poster; nice idea for in the water;...
also if ur wondering what their names are; ghost town: aviary foundry: bunker then ill make some on sandbox and my signature on my maps...
the only people that would fly in that pelican are lego people because it looks like crap!
great interlocking and switches; that stairwell looks like itd be cool for snipin' and some sick ninja action 5/5
not up to forge up standards; need pics link and description; FIX IT!
cool idea but instant respawn or lsayer doesnt look like itd be good on here id suggest playing some infection type
oh hey watsup guys, and thx pomegranates kill- also if u guys r wondering i am new but im almost done with a map and then ill post it
i have been out o narrows bfore but i never thoguht of making a map out there; this map has great gameplay and creativity on a boring map like...
cool idea and itll help some people learn how to jump; good tuturial for the noobs and for people who dont know how to radar or power drain jump 4/5
...first! but this map is just plain out horrible; it makes for no fun what so ever; the idea of making a canon is old but fun but this canon...
not many people make racing maps on avalanche and if they do they often suck but this one is SPECTACULAR with great interlocking and above all the...
Cool racing map but the jumps are hard the concept is cool and nice fusing and merging but it's nowhere near as good as quasar
I can't rate or comment on nothing just do what jasonyo said and then people will dl
...first! great map; the geomerging along the pipes in the sides and making tunnles throught them was a cool idea and all around nice merging...
good map; itll be fun for ctf; nice fusing nad floating bases; i like the random room cause u can just know down the crates to not let people get...
looks like a sweet map with nice fusing and ideas; the bases are neately made as well as the big hill; the idea of keeping a wraith still as a...
awww i wanted to be the one to tell him he needs pictures lol; but besides that i cant judge anything unless id DL it which im not going to...
this isnt as bad as some of the other ones ive seen recently just dont rush through creating ur map next time; great maps ussually take a long...
this is a pretty cool map and i like that u used fenceboxes for the floor instead of just boxes in some parts; catwalks and fusing are nice...
this map has ntohing to it; all this is is a couple crates and boxes with a chopper and overshields; horrible map 1/5 but since ur new u can keep...