I'm a Melbournian but I think this map is great anyway :) I like centerpoint tower the most! Looks fantastic! Someone gave you the idea of making...
This was the very first incerdible competitive map I saw on this site. I've seen a few more simce then but this is still easily the best. It looks...
This map actually looks alright... I like the use of the one way doors especially that one on the roof. I do have a qustion though. Is the area...
I'd be suprised if it doesn't get featured. Your last map (Hunters) on Halo 3 was very impressive. I can't wait to see what you do on Forge world....
It looks like you've put lots of effort into this map. It's not just an awsome competitive map but it's also aesthetically impressive. I'll give...
Awsome map I'll give it a dl. This has got to be the best longshore racetrack I have seen yet. I love the part of the track that goes over the...
This map looks nicely done. The lighting effects suit the map well. I can tell you spent lots of time on this map. I hope it does well in "Hub of...
This map is simply incredible. What you have done to make the trees is very creative. I'll give it a 5/5 and I'll download it as soon as I can
Heu thanks for telling e how to embed screenshots. I updaed the post and everything :)
Ok thanks for telling me. I just put up a weapons list and the images are back on!
THANKYOU SO MUCH. People have always been telling me my screenshots didn't come up and I didn' understand why. Thanks for showing people such as...
I'm on photo bucket right now so the photos will be up soon. I've just got to wait for them to download.
ok thx i'll fix now
This is my map Fenix Bridge. It’s a remake of the map in Gears of War 2 called river. The weapons in this map are the same as the ones in GOW 2...
looks alright but you need to improve on your interlocking