Hey, i'm not normally a forge hub guy, generally I'm hanging over at XForgery as Noezy, but surely you wouldn't mind me using that FANTASTIC...
I dun has Bpro. Therefore no minutes.
I think we just found what it needs to be.
Patch. Move on. Done. Like Roche said, they can't really ban unless they are seen done it the act. I really think doing this glitch is a trick...
I remember testing a very early edition of this map a while ago, even with 4v4 it was an absolute blast. Congrats man. You never disappoint.
I reckon you should've made this out of Wall, T's and Wall Corners, as they would be the least used items. Or make it out of a little bit of every...
Listen to Swim To The Moon. 17 (That's right, 17 minutes) of pure fantastic music.
I s'pose. Constellations is an amazing album though, and I have plenty of other bands to listen to, so I'm not a sad face as you are. Heard of...
No sir, it does not. You got Lost Messengers?
Seems to be. Now I know why you named your map Back Burner!
I herd yuo liek August Burns Red.
Lovin' the guide, I like how everythin' had some sort of explaination, and not a crappy one either. Sorry I havn't been working on my asset map....
Gunnergrunt, you pump out maps like a machine with the fresh/sexy idea switch activated. All your ideas are unique, amazing, and inspiring. All...
Would you like me to make the 'Protect The Asset' one longer? I posted this at another site and a member mentioned I should make that a more...
As soon as I saw 'superduper66' in the title I instantly clicked. To my happiness I saw unique, overlooking structures, staircases, and overall...
G'day there. Much like R0FLninja, I'm part of the upcoming Asset Map Pack, a unique game-type idea by, you guessed it, rifte gifle. You may find...
HOLY CRAP OMG WIN. Beside the spammage, I would've not thought of this. I really need to try this, and the UNSC Seal is the lolest name evar....
FINALLY Scobra made a crypt map. Long overdue, buddy. But really, Noxiw, Spades and yourself are working on like 3 maps at a time. Guess it keeps...
ASSET IS MY FAVOURITE GAMETYPE EVER. Seriously, I've had such fun on protocol I'm so glad this is being released. It has the combination of...
Mate you need to post this map ASAP. It's definately the best of all you've got. I have the earlier version you linked in this thread. Even if...