this map is leetsauc. i dl'd it, but haven't tried it out yet. it kinda reminds me of lockout [blackout], with the the 2 closed-in rooms and paths...
I've been working on the spiral staircase for a while now. And that was my goal form the beginning, to make a unique map. K, I've put railings...
i didn't see the blood splatters on his face until now. no offense, but that's a bit racist.
pic 1 is some pretty nice 'weapon art', and pic 2's camera angle is extremely shitty. you can see the power drain easily [unless the power drain...
its boring and doesn't stand out. i can barely make out the elite [or is it a spartan?], but i like the background you chose. it is pretty...
k, i like the first one, and im not a fan of lil wayne [or rap in general]. if you're not going to use all of them, remove your name on the second...
That seems like a little much for a map like this. As for the map itself, it looks unique, but I am pretty sure it won't play out well. I'm...
Look at pic 4, I has 2 railings ^^ Is that a good thing? I fail at forging [I've been trying to do that for a few hours now and I'm still not...
yes, i see wut u did thur. i knew it all along. i just thought it was a shitty idea, so i decided to poke some fun at it. k?
Like I said, I am still working on this map. At first, it was a mid-sized 4v4 map. When that didn't work, I took away half of the map and built on...
Don't you mean Steel Mill? And your idea may have just killed a child in Africa.
I'm currently adding ramps to the staircase. I'm not going to scrap the idea of the spiral staircase; I think it makes this map really unique. I...
Thanks for the idea, I will try it out. And also, I was thinking of replacing the shotgun at red base with a brute shot w/ no clips and a 90...
Well, the whole spiral staircase adds to the aesthetic part of the map. It's an old steel mill turned UNSC training camp, so I think the spiral...
I've been working on a map and posted a map preview. I have a name for the map, but I don't think the current name, Vienna, fits with the map. You...
I put the shotgun on the red side as a defensive weapon for playing one flag. I thought it would make it more challenging for the defenders to...
this map deserves to be featured. gameplay looks smooth, and i really like how you cared to put aesthetics into the map. it shows that you really...
looks like it is forged pretty well, but i think it would be a good idea if you make the area around the vortex steeper so that if you fall around...
i liek dis map. It really looks like you put time into this map.. I can tell cuz the forging is near perfect and you actually cared to put in...