ok. ys again its a PREmake. and i used the map and the pics for it. i think the next map from the mp will be sidewindeer.
yours is pretty cool. you guys should check mine out as well. actually. i think you already have......
ya i know it really is. i saw yous it looks pretty good
how are there 60 views and only one or two comments
Re: A Huge Covenant Cannon that actually works! woooooooooooooooooow! COOL! ME DOWNLOAD!!! no but serously really cool.
Re: Airport and biplane looks cool. ill give it a try
there is a link. click on the Download GTP by d00dle14 sentence
=================================================== If you are here to download this map of just have a look and Ghost Town Preview, can you...
all ur screen shots are messed up. read the how to poast a map thread. maybe it will help?
Re: Turf can you guys please tell me what u think because ur feedback can make this map better.
Re: Cool Assault map ??? look at all other posts and see what ur missing. p.s. this better not be that asphalt turf remake b/c that map was terrible
Re: Tokyo Streets HOLY @#$! this map is AWESOME!!! I just dont get why its tokyo?
i will say, this is an incrredible map, i love it just as much as mine! and yes, asphalt was horrible totally horrible, it only did well b/c it...
Re: Turf did you even read the discription. and I dont even know where the shotty spawned and its a remake, so things arenot always what they...
COOL downloading now......
Re: Turf ok. i donk know y the pics are so small. when i uploaded them they were HUGE. so try clicking on them. the password is grunts
this is probably the best remake ive ever made. it is extreemly clean, fun, and everything is well placed. it is almost as fun as the original! it...
until i finnish the turf can u check out this: -snip- EDIT by Furious: Don't advertise in someone else's thread. It might be different if that...
how about now? how do you get the pics to shoy up on the actual page?
hate to shoot u down but asphalt isnt a very good map everything is uneven, there is also a bunch of random stuff in it that isnt even supposed to...