Gamertag: ATR BaD KaRmA Times you can get on: Everyday after school and weekends whenever Mic yes/no?: Yes Something describing yourself: i am a...
Okay, i somewhat agree with the other, but it reminds me of teh old 007 games, add some rooms and some WOW factors and you will have a great map
i just noticed how bumpy it looks, when your in the game its perfect, you dont feel the bumps, and the oneness inst bad, i have played on this map...
Temple assult Map Name:[TEMP]LE Map Created on:Sandbox Created by: ATR BaD KaRmA & o LieutenantBob This map is made for the custom game variant...
we are redoing it tomorow so thanks
[TEMP]TATION GAMETYPE: [TEMP]LE PUSH This is a map that i made today, this is my first map on the new map sandbox, it is meant to be used...
How wide is foundry going from the window side to the side across it? I have no xbox now and i am planing a map, thanks:frustrated: measeured by...
will do that tomorow, i have to get to class in the a.m. thanks
i was just crucified :p
These are my Drawings for my idea of a map called Corridors. Please ignore my bad writing and bad drawing but i just want to hear what my map...
Thanks to both of you, i will definatly remove the turrets, but i have to get the xbox back, it is with ups to be delivered tomorrow, i have been...
lol ok i will sorry, and not to kill myself but the info sign next to where is says online under our names is where you can do it i think... i...
yep, thanks... im working on a map now it will be done next week... lots of restarting rounds yo i am making a new map, i need an extra hand can...
Thanks, i was doing that now, i had a tab with this so i thought i mine as well post the url and work on the pics later but they are up now....
Created by: Lt. Dan and Lt. Bob, Made for the gametype [Two Flag Arena] This is our latest map, made for [Two Flag Arena] Please download and...
If you are still there, there is a flaw inm the flag spawns, i fixed it i havent uploaded it yet, so please ignore that and the bridge that doesnt...
here they are the only 2 things in my file share, they are my favorites, sorry my power was out im at a friends, : Bungie Online :...
Thanks, I'll do that
I hope this is the right place to post :p Hey, me and my friend are tired of putting countless hours into forging maps that would take a...