Many memories came from what you just said. (sigh) Perhaps Halo:Reach will remedy the situation, and bring us back into the Halo golden days....
Beautiful. Simply Beautiful! There are plenty of areas for exploration and defense, while still not looking cramped inside. Excellent...
Not at a young age it isn't. But as a child grows older, there is a point at which it must learn on it's own. I know my suggestion must be faulty...
Well, that's quite a question. Perhaps "God" wanted to observe us as we grew on our own? Much like a child and his/her parents. Maybe "God"...
Well you certainly did a good job with the map, it looks decent. Maybe a little more height variation like Gunnergrunt said. Also, like everyone...
I'm not sure if this thread is closed....But I got to watch E3 coverage last week. I am really excited for Metal Gear being ported over to...
I really like the map. As previously stated, I love the active camo structure. Very pleasing to the eye. I like how it has the cramped feel for...
I used to have an idea to do something like this, but it looks like you beat me to it. Your map looks very aesthetically pleasing to me in a way....
I most definantly see the Hang Em' High, and Damnation similarities in this. I never got to play Xyience too much so i'm not really sure where...
I, not too long ago, tried weed for the first time. I found it a very....strange, but entertaining experience. It made everything appear slower,...
I agree with STWOW. The map seems just a bit too cluttered. Although this "Clutter" is cover. You wouldn't want to overload on cover, it detracts...
This looks like a very neat racing map. I see that you took full advantage of all the items in Sandbox, and it looks as if it worked out very...
Wow! I never really thought that the idea of getting out of this map could be taken to such heights, but you have done a splendid job. First of...
This map is by far the best map I have experienced outside of Foundry in a long time. It is superbly forged, and aesthetics are excellent....
I was never really a big fan of coagulation or blood gulch. But this looks to be a very accurate remake. The bases look almost perfect. As said...
I can't really get the Layout from the pics. Maybe post a top down sketch or just some more pictures. But from what I can see it loosk to be...
Looks really good, but you've put out some really good maps before so I'm not surprised. Well, first thing's first, vehicles on foundry done...
I'm In
They're just like cavemen when they can't get to the flag. Hilarious video. Great find. Tanks.
As everyone has said, this looks like a pretty fun map, it just seems as if there was no effort put into the making of the map. How many maps have...