No I didn't. I got it from Halo 1. So did they.
Are you suggesting that Urk was trying to make a two balls joke? Are you nuts?! He'd get sacked!
It shipped.
Urk fails at numbers and counting. Watch the article, he's updating it as he goes because he's lame like that. For example, there are actually 16...
Noted. I'll log out when I want to lurk from now on. ;)
So, basically you read what I said, and ignored it. That's cool.
You say that as though you represent the entire Halo 3 player base. Millions of people play Halo 3. It's the highest selling 360 game to date....
1. I did not say "mongi" with any serious belief that it is the plural of Mongoose. When you are referring to a wild animal, the plural form is...
Um, hi. I'm still around, but I've got a February to ship, so I can't spend all my time joshin'. Mainly I'm here to answer questions or make...
Hey, Urk. Verify me or I'll turn around and punch you in the mouth.
The obvious joke is obvious. ;) I actually thought I had an account here a long time ago. I clearly remember posting a bit about Atlas before I...
The More You Know.™ It's good to dream, my friend. It's good to dream.
We tend to avoid budget-glitched maps for Bungie Favorites, tyvm. ;)
Just to apply some Science to what Urk is saying, Level of Detail (LOD) is a trick games use to reduce the cost of objects on the screen when...