I don't like it. It doesn't look like you did much. It looks like you grabbed a stock and then added a background. It doesn't even have any...
Wow, thanks, that helped amazingly!
Thanks dude, means a lot.
Yeah, I forgot I ever posted that, went inactive from the computer due to real life issues so I guess I re-introduced myself without realizing it....
Does the height really affect it?
I did all of that, the runtime max is at 8 for both the snipers and the rockets. It does spawn in the air, and I test it in a custom game too.
I've forged a new map on Sandbox in the sky bubble and I've been working on the weapons. I know that you have to drop spawn items to get them to...
I didn't like it. =\ The editing, well, there wasn't really any at all, and the clips that you kept and put in there weren't even that great in...
Not even close, I have at least 10-15 layers on that. Thanks for your comments. Do you know how I can change the title of the thread?
My introduction to Forgehub. Alright, so I'm new to posting to ForgeHub, so before posting any maps or anything, I decide I'd introduce myself...
I really liked playing this map actually, it was lots of fun. Some more cover might be nice, but I really enjoyed playing on it. Good job.
1. b. 2. a. 3. a. 4. b. 5. b. 6. a. 7. a. 8. b. 9. b. 10. b. 11. a. 12. a. 13. b. 14. a. 15. b. 16. b. 17. b. 18. a. 19. b. 20. a.
Those are just recent ones, the one I was talking about people stealing my signatures was a Halo one and it had no name on it at all, no text....
Of course. =P [IMG] The Volm part is an abbreviation for a name I used on different graphic's forums. [IMG] I have some others including a...
Hey everybody, I'm new to Forge Hub so I just thought I'd say hello to everybody in the Graphic's Forum. I'm a big fan of Graphic's and make some...