Zigy, I hate to see this happen to you man, I know none of the old Hubbers get on any more, but take a break, plus I'm sorry to hear about your...
###Swaggg! Dawg yo aint livved yett,, boi shytte! HMU Lol.
Reflex. I don't understand... :c
It's hard to come back to such a changed Forge Hub :c
Well, this is late but... Welcome back! I kinda just returned myself!
Well, I wish you all the luck and have fun
"Third TIME's the charm" Looks pretty good, but honestly, Tron will never be brought into the Halo universe. I say this mainly because I used to...
Exactly, I might even bring some meme references of them.
My last option still stands. Me, myself, I, and GruntHunter for the spotlight. I'll even say some thins about some cats.....
Looks good, and just from the pictures I can tell it will be fun to play :D Lets see, the bridge, the one with the health pack under it. Yeah,...
I see, sadly nothing can be added as of right now, but that is now, the future is still young and ahead of us. With only zero money able to be...
Looks good, I haven't actually had enough money to get the actual DLC for it, but, from what I can tell, it looks pretty good. In my opinion, I...
I guess bro, but if that ever happens again, just be selfish about it, it will make you feel better :)
:/ I'm sorry bro
Hopefully happy, I really hope so bro. All anyone can ever do is just hope for the best :)
I'm sorry bro, I'm here for you man
Oh I see! I never realized you were green under that red. XD how have you been lately?
What??!?!? Have I been gone that long? :o
Steve!!! You're green!!! Grats man, sorry for being late haha
Depends on what you mean by having fun.