True that if John reveals he has been evolved to the point where the composer doesn't work then tech's and scientiests need to scan him and find...
very much agreed. So i need to go re read lol its been a while since i had read all the forerunner books so ya. Anyway i think we got a pretty...
That part about the Precursor i wrote was in regards to the Primordium and the big green ai being on the installation (i assume 00) before it shed...
Except for the fact that Halsey is playing a major role finally and Cortana is an off spring of her mind so in a sense Halsey would be an great...
Ya i tried that and still nothing, just says "app is already running" even if i logout of steam, reboot, etc. Im going to try re installing...
ya did that alot, after removing that TESV.exe file that everyone and there mom said i need to do it just says Steam failed to start game (app...
Hey guys whats up, well i kinda have a predicament here and i think gaming discussion is where people who use Steam etc will look so here we go....
Ya man it looks great i love your ramp up to large tower central floor way better looking than mine lol i might have to go change mine just to...
Yay you updated no but really this is a huge improvement over what it was before, figgin sniper tower btw looks way better than that prefab piece....
I don't care what people say I like it even if it is prefab, I have learned though through pain an endless toil on maps the making your pieces can...
Oddball anybody? Lol no but really this map is sweet thanks for showing me it the other day we need to get test / play sessions goin on all the maps
Well it's not supposed to be a guardian remake it's a hybrid guardian lockout mix
I'll be updating the most recent version on my fileshAre when I get home tonight I tried to fix Los from library to mid still needs tweaking...
It's the xbox map that was taken from campaign off the heretic level. At least this is what it reminds me of, any feedback I had was posted above...
Exactly being someone who worked with halo 2's havok engine they just keep the same crap update code they need to thats all, from halo 2 to halo 3...
Your not being blunt people put words in your mouth, as for the map i loved Ace's version so if you based it off his design using ravine (nice...
It has a lift at blue room br tower an a man cannon from green to sniper, thanks ya I wanted the name to be unique I think it fits haha I haven't...
Alright guys the bickering needs to stop, everyone is entitled to there own opinions but this back and forth isn't doing much before i know it an...
Ok now that's feedback, as for it being poorly done you won't be able to tell that without looking / playing it pictures never do a map justice...
Well i can tell you that the far side cave/walkway down needs work just from the picture at least Aesthetically, also is that killballs at the...