Wow, expect an entry from me, that is a lot of Microsoft Points and it sounds like fun. :happy:
Wow, I took a look through this in forge (will definitely be playing if I get a chance,) and this map is absolutely beautiful. Very nice looking...
Hi a quick review of your map based off touring through it in forge (I haven't had a chance to play it, but if I have a chance I will.) I really...
Very nice map! Nicely built and very fun and puzzling challenges. I'm stuck on Yellow puzzle 1, I know what to do but don't know how to do it,...
I just geomerged a double block nearly perfectly into the wall of the Crypt. There's a catch though, I had no braces except one Large Block, no...
This seems pretty cool, I'm gonna give it a go. Edit: Is there any specific type of map it has to be? Like Competitive, Minigame, etc or does...
I'll join in. GT is Zandu
Don't get down, it just takes practice. I remember when I felt like that after trying for an hour or more just to place one wall correctly. Just...
Ok also if you have a respawn point that is set to Attacker/Defender/etc, will players spawn there if you play a Free-For-All game type? Thanks...
Is it possible for a player to respawn at a starting point, or will players spawn at starting points ONLY at the start of a game? Thanks.
Honestly, this isn't possible right at the moment, my Windows Live ID is screwed up and I can't login to anything except Messenger. I'm getting...
Hey, I'm working on a map on Sandbox and I was wondering if somebody experienced could take a look at the map so far and tell me what could be...
Looks awesome and the description just makes me want to play it even more. Downloaded, I'll edit this post with comments after I run through it...
Correction, there is one limitation possibly. Nobody has shown a picture or video of the unlimited item inventory/item cloning yet, unless I've...
Wouldn't it disappear?
Agreed. I've tried it with a bunch of people from FH, I've tried it with friends I know online, I've tried it online with RL friends and I've...
I have that map saved. Should I post it? LOL.
Myself and Shock Theta tried it with Double Box, Double Box Open, Single Box and Fence Box and each time I got a "Could not create object. Not...
Hmm. That changes things.
When I tried it, it either didn't do anything at all for either controller or only spawned one box. I'm home now though so I'm gonna play with it...