Lol, it's a Lockout remake.. Blackout is trash in my opinion. Great job dude, if only it was all blue and had super bounces. lol 10/10
I played it by myself so there was no blue flag lol.
i know, i made it in about 4 hours or so.. it was just a first map, not to be perfect. and when you play it, 80+ spawns is hard to spawn kill
Jargenhansen! I guess you could call in an MLG map... It's set in the sky bubble and has two bases, an upper level, and a lower level....
Has there ever been, or ever will be an MLG [Foundry] Map with a sniper? No.
Its a good map, but there are some flaws. I believe the geomerging (two double blocks) is ripped from another map. No offense, but learning how to...
The bases just look secluded and alone. And the bottom area seems so claustrophobic, its hard to tell where everything fits in, maybe I'll just...