Actually, the maps will load themselves over the same period of time it takes for them to load when you go to select a map. If you wait a short...
One quick question though: have you tested the map with 6 or more players to see how said weapon selection translates into the Halo world?...
Yeah, the crypt would be a tad small for De_Train but I would like to check that map out, as I'm sure you've done it justice. And what you...
Well, in Fy (FightYard) maps in Counter-Strike...instead of making players run through the Buy Menu to purchase their gear with max money at the...
Fy_Buzzkill, a Counter-Strike spiritual successor with a unique style of play Hot death in a variety of flavors! Playing on this map with 12 or...
Buzzkill is finished! Link, screens, and details updated in the first post of the thread. Next project: Fy_Dustworld I can't really do Iceworld...
That would be ideal, as far as being as true as possible to the physics of C-S. Unfortunately for me, I don't think I'm going to be able to do...
If my current Buzzkill build is indeed possible (looks a little on the iffy side), it looks like I will have time to finish her today. If it all...
Yeah, I hear you on that one. I have an Assault variant that I believe is as close as possible to C-S style for De maps. And single life rounds...
I didn't say I hadn't seen any, I said I hadn't seen many. : P I have seen that version, and to be quite honest I'm not a big fan, even though it...
That panda friggin' ROCKS! And sadly, it confirmed my fear that the classic Dust maps are just a little too large to be redone Halo style. I...
I mean, I'm sure that there will be a few people interested in making this happen. Maybe we should get a little group together and work...
Ahh, Aztec. Another classic. That's going to be another one on the list of potential remakes. I can't promise that all of these maps are going to...
Counter-Strike remakes, anyone? List yours here! I tried to "remake" De_Dust on Sandtrap. Impossible tasks never really work out too well. I...
Wow, that looks really good. Queue to download, anyone?
I mean...that would be ideal provided that the person downloading the canvas knows how to get outside the boundary to delete those items that...
Just follow your heart, I mean...use your imagination...that's what I always do. A little bit of the Napoleon Dynamite mentality never hurt anybody.
Anybody ever play C-S? You ever play the map MindMaze? Yeah, I'm totally using that as a template for Sandbox. Mindmaze was huge and there's no...
While you may think I'm naive, I'm gonna have to disagree. I've had fun with forge. People do great things with Forge. But Sandbox? It's going...
Yeah I think after 25 "new" rounds the game auto-ends. I too had to learn this the hard way. But hey at least you got your layout down and your...