You are the definition of *** Guzzler.Why are you talking to me?
wow, insulting somebody in a forum.Your a badass!Dont come to my post spamming stupid **** please.
Wow, its just a collage, he didnt take the time to put each pic in every spot to make the bigger pic.It is cool though.3/5
Blue kicked reds butt, pic is alright but i agree with leeumm I would liked to have been able to see more of the elite.2/5
Im pretty sure in the rules it says pics must be embedded.Needs to be fixed.
The last ones you posted here should be on a new thread, they would get much better reviews!From the looks of the new ones, You took everyones...
I dont use elites, so I dont know the armor.Place looks like Ghost town, may be bubble shields spawn.Anyways, the pics get a 2/5.Keep it up!
Its an ok pic, I like the lighting in the pic alot.Not the shields just how the light looks on the spartan.
Sorry but these pics are not that good.Just lots of random shots of color.Top one is only one I like.1/5
Entrappment Entrappment-Halo 3 File Details Trapped- Halo 3 File Details Brief Discription My little brother created this map, and I thought for...
I got this pic out of a team slayer game.I Shot the bullet that went throught his legs lol.He then retaliated with a bullet to my face! [IMG]
I enjoy playing Slayer/Objective game types on Custom Maps.Im gathering as many friends and people that want to play.The Session will start at 6pm...
1) Gaurdian (Anything is good) 2) Construct (Anything is good) 3) The Pit (Anything is good) 4) Blackout (Anything is good) 5) Foundry (Anything...
I would say, work on weapon placement, and Make sure each room has about 3 ways in and out.3/5
Really I think its more of an action shot.I wouldnt be laughin, I would be upset that I got killed through a wall! 1/5
I like the Smiley Face.It is humorous, 3/5.
I was trying different teqniques on getting out of maps when I found this place! [IMG]
Just one of the two Sniper Free pics that I have captured tonight. [IMG] Halo 3 File Details
Just me messing around trying different weapons.I am notorious for critisizing the fact that almost every pic is that of a sniper.So I hope every...
The first one is great, second one is just too much, and i kinda like and dont like the third one.Favorite of the three would have to be the first...