lol where have you been? Jersey barriers have been used like that since long ago in halo 3.
gingerninjasam is right the queen always stays on her respected color and they are always directly across from eachother
so we will be able to download it again soon
people im not making a part 2 if you actually ever read anything you would know that this is not part of the official no hope campaign it is just...
is it just me or is anyone else not able to download the game i would really like to play
well i didn't make act 2 i only made this one as my visioning of act 1 look up no hope act 2 the streets by rifte gifle he's the one who actually...
yah i will change it and sorry for not asking i just wanted to have an act one also i was kinda wondering if i could help you with acts 3 and 4
well to answer your question if you actually read anything the falcon is un-flyable
No Hope Act 1: Nightfall Remake by: eelikay original by: rifte gifle Ok...
yes but both of our maps are of the same concept humans spawn outside and have to get inside a house and defend themselves from the zombies
um because i made a map in HALO 3!! called 3 houses
you stole my idea im the one who made the original 3 houses and i was planning on remaking it in reach well there goes that chance EDIT: well im...
for those people who like Luigi instead of Mario and want to play as Luigi then all you have to do is change the alpha zombie color to green
I fixed the pics everybody. No more worries!
I can't figure out how to fix the pics
cool i'll have to try this out
Sweet Val, i totally love your maps!
Awesome This map is freaking awesome! I just have one question for bungie though, with blackout being so small and why did they put all the...
Could use more work It could have used more work, especially on the outside.