Thanks for the replies. It can be escaped quite easily with ONE grenade jump, but there's not much point. Thanks for the positive comments....
Temple Of Shaar Created by superMATTsuper Supported Gametypes: Supports Slayer, KOTH, Oddball and Juggernaut (preferably FFA). It is recommended...
Yeah, I got to the Banshee pretty easily with a plasma grenade jump. With MetaLemur, I don't get what you mean. The base has an upper level. The...
Thanks for the replies. A couple of things: With the banshee, it's there because on the RAC3 map that inspired this one, there is a floating base...
Triumph Created by superMATTsuper Supported Gametypes: Supports all default gametypes, though it is recommended to turn off starting grenades,...
I'll admit that it's a fairly fail map, though keeping in mind it IS one of my older ones, so I'm not as bad at forging anymore (I don't think)....
V398's Gorge Created by superMATTsuper The crew of V-398 are quite annoyed when they crash landed into another gorge... this curious gorge. 2-8...
Yeah, thanks for the reply. Keeping in mind that it was my second map, and that I wasn't and still am not all that technical. Still, I'll keep the...
Aesthetically, it looks fantastic (the poll results speak for themselves). Haven't played but I just downloaded. Looks like it'd be a sweet FFA...
chromebandit, thanks for the reply - I've told people I'm already going to try and get a map overview or a diagram together. MichMaster32, thanks...
Thanks for the reply mastersync, and for the four stars. And xxDeeJxx, too. The floor should be littered with little stones and stuff, but I left...
Cloisters Created by superMATTsuper Inspired by the Halo 2 map Sanctuary, Cloisters is a large, open battlefield promising explosive action...
OK, thanks for the replies, everyone! From what I can see from the replies, I need to be more original, get a better design for better gameplay...
The Fortress Created by superMATTsuper Fortresses were common in the middle ages, with towering walls and battlements and towers. 2-8 Players...
That's weird, they appear fine on my screen. Oh well, I used the tutorial you sent. Thank you! They should work now. Did you try the map?...
The Rig Created by superMATTsuper An oil rig on foundry for FFA Slayer Though once many such oil rigs, but they were abandoned. In some areas,...
OK, thanks for the tip. I haven't even started and don't even know the basics - the only thing I've actually done in forge are map modifications...
OK, thanks anyway. I'm gonna check out some videos on forging, particulary on geomerging, interlocking, etc.
Hey I sent you an FR and a message at concerning a map idea I had. Are you able to help?