style: Dude shirt: Maybe a Hugo Boss shirt pants: Jeans, fitted, not tight ergh hat: pfft shoes: Nike skaters, converse accessories (optional):...
this NATAL looks pretty damn good. the racing game demonstration made me wow but the technolgy involved in making this must be costly. and im not...
im sorry mate, i dont know what this kind of music is but... if u fancy something like it try searching the genre into - Listen to free...
lol nothing can compete with forgehub. not even facebook!
oooooo very nice find. it looks like this is more about anti-terrorism judging by the riot shields and airplane. good to know the full trailer...
no hang on, if u start weight lifting too young it can affect your growth and may end up making u stay under 5ft 6 which pretty is short. theres a...
if any of you want strong toned legs and strong glutes, cycle. keeps u in superb state of fitness, skinny (ish, depends if ur a climber or...
ive seen a psg1 in concept art. they best put some more US modular weapons in the game and an SA-80. and the MGL-40 at lvl 55. lol
yeh i noticed, but didnt notice this link in the above post. nevermind.
ive never heard of game informer before :S looks exciting nonetheless. as long as they add a tonne of new weaponry and switich things up in...
the list of games is laughable
looks gd. but could it be a fake. is it just me or do all the pics look like concept art. still snowmobiles, original.
KOJIMA PRODUCTION "NEXT" could it be a 360 Metal Gear, an entirely new franchise, a horror game, zone of the enders? speculation is welcome.
my PS3 and xbox are broken so i dnt think i will be able to enjoy this, graphics look phenominal. :) nice one Grif.
alright send me a friend request either way. dont want u taking it without me being there.
Right basically I started making a map in foundry last year and nearly finished it by December. Its pretty good and im basically willing to give...
why do me and u always argue vinny? why o why. i was voicing my opinion, nothing else...
all I can say is that i totally disagree with marajuana no matter how strong it is. though it wont kill u it CAN cause anti social behavior and it...
hazza i see what u mean mate. but if it got bad im saying its the lesser of 2 evils. Kill 1000 to save a million, u see. and well if u ever want...
In all seriousness if it ever became a serious pandemic I truly belive that those who contract the disease should be killed. About 1000 people...