This map is mouth dropping! oh my god! ihave never seeen a map with this level of creativity, its really a work of art. I played it, the track was...
This looks cool aha! im not realy into warthog races but ill sure dl cause any race map is worth it :D i like ur jump, its pretyt cool
Omg this map isissss sooo freaking coool not even kidding, the forging is amzing i lovovve the design and the layout its pretty excepotional to...
SMOOTH! ALL i can say that its like really smooth, I like wish i could play this, but Chad's xbox broke =( it really sucks, but he told me that...
Dang =) I have never seen something like this ever before! Its like really amazing, I love the waterfall thingy, but do you bounce on it? or is...
Woah dude! This map loook like really awesome! I have a question though.... is this a complete track that is a circuit or do you just die?? I love...
You konw, I have seen so many pictures of race tracks on these new maps, and all the pictures dont seem, well i should say the race tracks dont...
I definitely agree with knight up there, the geomerging is like totally amazing dude nice track, double post lol, they should delete the first one...
Woah! The pictures are a tad bit confusing just becuase they are side by side, but I can tell that each side is a different track! I love the idea...
This is a sick ass map! omg i love the giant turns and such, ists really nice and insane! i really want to try this out some time, 4/5 for me...
Hmmmmm, i dont really care for rats nests tracks, but my friend dillon told me that this track is cool so illl have to try it out for right now...
Thats one intense rollercoaster type of race track map! I saw it on youtube! I like how you like use the giant cannons on the sides of the...
im led pump
iooooo spadze that are toxicy
lolz + 5 characters
Oh DEAR GOd, now i konw what ive been hearing about this track, this track looks amazing, this and Union Staion are now my top favorites, I love...
OHMYGOD, the scenery on this map is outstanding comapared to anything I have ever seen! The track looks amazing aswell, the layout is like a...
Woah! i saw a couples of other tracks like this one, one was a rollercoaster and the other kinda looked like this, i like the layout and stuff,...
Ok, 2 things... this is by far one of the most amazing tracks that i have ever seen, like it looks smooth, and fast, which are my favorite things...
This map does look dusty lol, i saw that rollercoaster and i believet that this is like probably better becasue it has a wider track than the...