No you still need to have the disk in the xbox, also that wouldn't hurt the game-renting business, it would help it. It would hurt the gaming...
Ditto, out of those I would say GOW2. But it depends if you want online multiplayer replay value or solo replay value.
#1 Gears 2 #2 Fable 2 #3 Fallout 3 #4 Rock Band 2 #5 Farcry 2 #6 Left 4 Dead #7 GH: WT (just game use Rockband instruments) #8 COD: WAW
With that said, I do hope that people on here that are fans of Farcry 2 will get on Farcryhub and get things rolling so the game can have some...
Explain where the replay value is in Farcry. Gears has HORDE, and a much more enjoyable campaign, and good multiplayer with matchmaking. Farcry...
I have both games and I would go with Gears 2. Farcry's multiplayer is nowhere near as good as COD, let alone better. It is just not polished,...
The review on IGN said it was real short and there is no competitive multiplayer. I am not even gonna spend the money to rent it. I have way to...
Yeah this game is freakin amazing. I lost all my data though. I took my HDD to my buddy's house and boom gone. Don't take out the HDD and take it...
GT= Smat 8 Definitely gettin them as soon as I get home from work today. I will be looking for people for customs on the forge hub gamertags.
Very good map, this map will stay on my HDD for aslong as I play Halo3
Re: Close Call Looks real good man. I need more small maps for when me and my buddies play and we only have 3 to 5 people. Definitely looks like...
Downloaded for sure. Looks very creative and fun.
Sounds good and looks good to me. If it is inspired by Lockout then I am definitely going to give it a go. I will get back to you.
Re: Spillway Yeah this looks really awesome. It is to bad I won't get to play it with my friends till next week. We just had our weekly custom...
It doesn't work when you do multiflag with just the one neutral flag in the middle? Try Multiflag, with the neutral flag in the middle, then put...
Re: Who else is excited for the new maps? I think foundry is gonna be one of the best maps ever just because you can do anything with it
So you play in forge? How else can you pick up the gravlift?