I was surprised at how fast charged plasma rounds did the job. And you don't have to get them in their weak spots, just head on.
Definitely stoked on testing this. My GT is Mulahz if it isnt showing up.
I cant wait for the mario kart remakes to start coming in, so many great memories... Anyone currently working on any?
Im guessing you mean its arcadelike nature (the dual wields, excessive weapons, etc.). But yet gametypes like fiesta are featured in matchmaking....
Does anybody know if conquest will be in matchmaking? It is, in my opinion a gametype that deserves more play, as in not just in custom games. It...
I dont know much about sketchup, would it be possible to add the scenery, the rocks in particular? It would be great maybe in the next version.
I am currently working on free-for-all map I am calling FunCubes. It is a map comprised of small boxes that are connected by a series of...
I'm pretty sure you would set the respawn time to never respawn. To do this: 1: Go to the object you wish to not respawn 2: press 'x' 3:...
This guy knows his stuff. I agree with him.
Longshore makes this so awesome with the dingies.
Looks like fun, I love survival maps. If I weren't on my iPod right now I would dl
Halo maps are incredibly well made, well... most of them. 1: The Pit 2: Guardian 3: Valhalla 4: Narrows 5: Citadel 6: Orbital
Crazy how much attention to detail there is. There are tonnes of things like this, you can see this on halo 3 mythbusters on youtube, its pretty cool.
I think its great that bungie adds this kind of stuff. It makes for interesting forges (eg. a boat king of the hill or an infection game based on...
Portal: Prelude. A mod for PC that takes place before Glados was installed, and you take part in the tests with a real human talking to you. The...
I know but it is my right as a Canadian/American that i get the game on said release date. And it may not be a 5 star game, but every game has...
I made a huge mistake. I preordered my copy of ODST about a month ago, and the only service available to me was futureshop... and they werent...
Yes! http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/careerstatsodst.aspx?player=Jake92&mode=1 The carreer stats of a halo 3: ODST player. Where the medal...
I preordered it and I am desperately looking for some people to FF with. I will be completing the campaign first, so i wont be playing firefight...
Now I dont need a screen recorder to make a trailer for my new maps. YAY!