Top 1. The first photo is disgusting, AHH! That is pretty disturbing..
Thanks. Thanks so much that helped a lot.
Cool maps. I've been wonderin what map you were playing on, it looks awesome.
good guide. This is a good guide and should be helpful to many people. I'm going to get a capture card hopefully soon..
Good eyes. You got good eyes. I like this game. MAKE MOAR
Uh oh. NO!!!! Get my SHOTGUN!!!
Huh. I guess I won't be going to China if you're THAT bored. Lol.
Well... Unrotunately, I didn't. :(
Almost forgot... Tropic Thunder, I can't believe I almost forgot it.
Favorite film of 08 My favorite film is definetly the Pineapple Express.
I want that book. I saw that book i Borders a little while ago, I'll probably go out and buy it.
Well... Just get Halo Wars. I want my new maps, PRONTO.
That's sweet. How'd you do that? That's unbelievable.
Woah How do you make such great photos like those?
Thanks. This post has been very helpful.
Lol Will Ferrel is funny as hell.
Fun map. This is one great MLG map, definetly going to download this.
Nice looking map. I can't wait to play this one, it looks pretty cool.
Nice photos. I like the photos they make me feel happy. :)
Angels and Demons That is cool they are making a movie out of this. Also can't wait for Friday the 13th.