I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you're asking. Are you wondering how to have different spawn areas for different rounds in Slayer?
Actually, I think they had a challenge where you had to upload something to your fileshare. It doesn't make anyone forge anything, but the...
It's not, strictly speaking, a ranking system. The visible, officer ranks are only a measure of how many credits one has earned. They serve as a...
What you could do is have a hub area for the classes, with alternate spawns branching off. For example, in the human hub, you would have sprint,...
The Judge brings up a good point. If you want to avoid letting them pick up other weapons, go into "Respawn Settings," enable them, set the...
So if I understand this correctly, a Respawn Zone says "Hey, these are the highest priority spawn points. Spawn here whenever possible," a Weak...
The level looks pretty good. Make sure there's a good mix of open areas/close quarters, since each species has the advantage at a different...
If I remember correctly, the spawning system places greater emphasis on the items placed first-that doesn't really help you, but I think that...
It depends on how many games you went through, but generally speaking, only two options isn't enough to have a truly random system. This was true...
Quick guide: The Little Guys: Rally Point Bravo on Winter Contingency. Lots of dropships and grunts. Roast 'Em, Toast 'Em: Rally Point Alpha on...
Played this last night with 3 other people. Loads of fun, especially for a smaller group. A couple things could be improved though. First, the...
Yes you can. You just have to make sure that the block spawns after the pallet. However, as soon as the pallet is touched it will spaz out and...
O hai. Well, I've been away for a while...I won't bother with my vacation details, suffice to say I'll be back home Sunday, and can help test,...
If you can't be bothered to take time to post your maps properly, why should we be bothered to take time to review them?
Zombies should have no shields (which also means no leech), 50% resistance, and 300% damage modifier. Movement is 50% gravity, 150% movespeed....
I think the most hits pallets can take would be 4, and that's if the zombies have 10% damage modifiers. I guess you could then change the humans'...
The problem is that you can't open/close pallets like you can with doors. So they can't block the only entrance into an area, because then humans...
I have been introduced, painfully, to the mac rush strategy in reinforcements mode. They send a scout, and mac your base, within the first 10...
Describe it in more detail. I've noticed this too. It only takes like 2 brute shot melees to kill a flood tank form. Coupled with its wide...
Sticking a ghost or banshee works because it kills the driver. Vehicle health in Halo is determined on two parts: the health of the driver, and...