i dont think that there should ever be that many power weapons on an infection map. everyone i play with loves zombie games when there is little...
thanks for the feedback but the only problem with a second lvl is keeping people in gets harder but I'm sure i could do it
yeah I am working on 2 more maps at the moment I am not going to reveal them yet though so be patient
there i fixed it
Ok give me a minute
I've made a few changes to my first posted map called Quick N Slick. I got good feedback but with some constructive critisim. So I set out to make...
I think that the buildings are well built but it is too open in the middle. I played it and i thought that it was too easy for the humans for the...
Be expecting a Version 2 coming soon!!
oh yeah lol did you know that Johnson says something different in each difficulty?
Yeah you were right i made it out thanks. i fixed it. Also, for the guy above you, look, do you mean for them to jump out or to just sit on?
Dude thanks!
I think that the weapons thing is a really good idea but the cover does help balance it. the humans could otherwise just sit in the corner and...
Quick N Slick This is an infection map that I have made for my first post and I have had a lot of fun in doing so. This map is interesting and...
This map looks great. Very neat and very good gameplay. Except for one thing. We just blew the barrier up ourselves and went and span-killed the...
I already DL and played this map. The map is built really well and the balance is good throughout the game until the humans get to the last...