For 200 i would go with a 09 Proto SLG or a 09 PMR. now if you want to spend more 300 - 400 you can get a Dye Matrix 7 (what i have) and i promise...
I would not mind at all! Hope your map yours out well.
I understand TG point but we tried to make a very fast paced/ dificult gameplay for TS. CTF, Ball, and KoTH are in the works. sorry but we have...
Thanks for all the positive and constructive comments we will be geomerging the catwalk along with redoing the map on a unlimited budget map for...
[IMG] This is my first map post on so if i did anything wrong please correct me. MLG Relic is a 4-Base map (2 Main Bases and 2...
put a weapon holder under them?
Yall are all nubz check out my armors, just need reconz to finish it off (thats where Sarge comes in): [IMG] [IMG] Gives me Reconz or I...
Haha this is so funny Sarge just pwned every one that left a visitor message. and question do all the admins on here haz reconz? Can the silly nub...
sarge pwned all
Lesson Type: Me and You Time request entered: May 31, 2009 Desired Lesson Time: Week of June 1st Mornings and Afternoons GamerTag: Lil Zdub...
I dont know if any one wants to, but does anyone want to run some user created maps and games? Please send a message or F/R to Lil Zdub on XBL if...
Really cool! My opinion: would have been cooler with a flamethrower! >:)
MLG: 1-2 (BR...duh!)
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I'll be the first one to say this but, pallets and fusion coils are not allowed in MLG because they can create unfair gameplay. If you want to...
Very nice map played it with my friend and we had fun. Very fast paced and my friend hit the speed boost on accident and he went blazing past me....
OK PLease put the spartan in front with some cool effects [dont know what you come up with something] and the Forge Monitor Faded into the picture...
Sorry bout that just wanna compare some and if i dont like the one of them ill some how pay the maker back for wasting there time. Once again...
OK but if you want it to be a legit paintball field visit and remake PSP Mid Atlantic Open or if the still have it PSP Pheonix...
Wow really good I will have to scan some of my drawings soon! 1. Make more overlay in the jacket on the neck 2. add some texture to the pants...