Great map post, when I was playing this map I was blown away by diffrent buildings and features (Like the Body Armor) this is how Infection should...
Hey jakob I see you posted the V2 congratz on making an amazing map, and yea this pics are a bit small but I like the way you set up the...
Awsome map I remember playing this with you I love the big scarab and how it acts like its blowing up when you shoot it, and I like the geo-merged...
Good merging and lovely geo-merging I love the fence box geo-merged into the human spawn the territories kinda ruins the "Feel" of zombies I think...
Hey jakob whats up? I remember playing this with you and watching you forge it and fix it up, good interlocking and people when you all say its...
Great, awsome merging and geo-merging love the diffrent holes and tunnels, might wanna add more stuff around the map if you can, seems too spacy....
Awesome looks clean and interlocked? the barrier is enourmous, you should make it so weapons and items drop from the sky at certain times so there...
I must say this is one of the cleanest maps I have ever seen, nice interlocking looks nice and big and not too cramped or spread out, GJ 4.6/5
Looks nicely merged and pretty clean some parts look like you can trip on like in picture 2 there is the fence wall next to the stairs, try not to...
Nicely merged and looks very clean and playable and I love the tunnels and shoots, maybe you can have it so the zombie is invisible so its more...
Looks awsome very original never seen one done on Blackout I also like the plane its very beautiful, can you list the traits of the humans and...
Oh hai thar, please inv me if you are playing customs or you want me to test and rate your map. GT: Fatal VengenceX
Looks pretty good reminds me of township too, how many actual "Houses" are there in the map? I also see some interlocking so that adds a plus,...
No one likes honor rules there is always those people who dont want to behave, but the merging is good and I think there is a little bit of...
Needs more details like what weapons do we spawn with and do we have 1 life or more? or how long is are respawn time, not very original but the...
Looks clean and from the pictures I see really good merging, the map idea has been done before, but its always still fun. might wanna lower the...
Looks cool the only thing I can see that alot of people will make is make the zombies like 1 hit kill or just really weak, its unfair for the...
Looks like no fun for the zombie, I think you need a better idea about making "Fair" maps, but other then that looks cool. 3.5/5
looks really good and original people are saying you need interlocking I dont see anywhere that needs it from the pics. GJ 4.7/5
Looks pretty good might wanna add more stuff around the bases like the boxes that are in the middle maybe you could make more around the level,...