What a load of ****....
The best of forge was fixed so that certain maps won. I was i the shoutbox when Mallet and Shock Theta was planning to cancel peoples votes so...
one word - ****
THIS IS A HUGE PILE OF ****!!!!!!!!! Forgehub feature the worst ****ing maps in the world! I could ****ing build this **** with a wii remote.
Nice map with great gameplay. I just couldn't cap that flag....
When I first played this map I didn't think the doubles' were geomergerged.
Thought of the stupidest thing I could.....
Hey, how do you get boxs lo, without it being eaten by the foundry floor???????????
You get infracted too easily at this website and I don't care what you people post in the comments below because you all know it's true. I'm...
Brilliant geomerging......
It's got some nice geomerging in it, but I prefer the maps which cut out part of the map to change the gameplay and privide a seperate experience....
With the teleporter shoot, you could land between the boxes and camp.
I like the feel of indoor maps. The map looks quite big aswell, considering that it's indoor.
Ok, this is the map everyone knew would get featured. What can I say???
Looks great, I was never good at Ghost town forge.
Looks great, I remember seeing a screenshot of the map in it's early stages. (Lol, those screens make the map look huge)
Nice interlocking, but it needs more screenshots. The only shot of he bottom is blurred out.
I seen lots of your maps and most of them are great, including this one. But I want to see some geo-merging from you aswell as just interlocking.
You have a lot to learn about merging. the map was..... ok i suppose....
Great idea but it looks as if spawns will mess it up.