Yes, but some of us don't like your toppings, and the world would be a much better place if people would just accept things like they are instead...
I think YOU'RE missing the point. If he starts making changes, then it's not an exact remake of the map any more, which is what he's trying to do...
Looks like a cool map, but I'd say it belongs in Casual Maps, since it seems much better suited for Infection over Slayer.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I clarified the Invasion thing in my OP, as well as added some new pics better detailing the map and showing some...
Finally finished this map. I posted it here if anyone wants to check it out.
Commons is a small, symmetrical 2-8 player map, designed after a part of the Halo 2 campaign level, Cairo Station. Though some things have...
This is a wonderful thing you've done here...but, WHERE ARE THE ELEPHANTS?!!?!!1!one!
Hmm, don't really like the name of the map, it's a bit weird, but the map itself is fantastic and plays really great. Played this in community...
Cool, thanks for the input. I'm nearing completion of the actual building part of the map (actually laying down blocks, not weapons and stuff),...
1 Pointer right off the bat, change the name. Don't use a name of a map from another Halo game.
It wouldn't work too well, most maps only have 4 spawn points per side, so most likely 4 players would spawn at random parts outside the court.
So, yesterday I picked myself up a copy of Halo 2 for the PC since it's been ages since I've played it last, and while playing through I realized...
I just played this in Community Slayer today, plays really well. Probably my favorite in the current batch of maps. That really sucks that...
Thanks for the feedback. I didn't even think about that when making it, but now that you explain it I can definitely see some Epitaph in there. I...
Absolution Created By: General Gilliam Absolution is a small symmetrical arena, best suited for doubles, or team slayer matches. While being...
You should really post some more pics, or at least some bigger ones. It's really hard to see it at that size.
please ignore
I am having some internet troubles right now (can't get on xbox live) but I have made a new version of the map. I added some more structures, gave...
Thanks Thanks for your feedback everyone. I'll be going through the map either today or tommorrow and fixing the issues you poitned out. I'm not...
DOWNLOAD: : Halo 3 File Details [IMG] "A gateway between the world of Humans and that of the dead. Use your ammo wisely, and kill...