Good track just a bit short. The ending is pretty rough and there is usually a pile-up. Still great banks.
Though this track is flat, boring, short, hard, stupid, and ridiculous, it's actually quite good. Lol jk Dave keep up the good work ^_^
Your mom looks noce but you don't see me checking her out ^_^ teehee i made a lol
I did and I've changed some of the map including the grenades. But I aren't moving the sniper and bubble shield.
Lol, I wonder what Cat n Mouse would play like with banshees.... Did I type that out loud??? ^_^
lol too late sorry
Thanks for the comments - I'll update this map soon with better gameplay and less F*cked up spawns.
hlg I was thinking that it would probably be a good idea to remove the fence wall in symmetrical gametypes. That would probably spice up FFA games.
yes, that is one of the main criticisms. Being a zombie is worse than being dead.... jk ^_^
Lol, I love forging conquest maps - well I suppose I shouldn't have phrased it like that. Basically, it will be quite annoying if a premium wins.
That ^^^^ is all lies but never mind. I think that premiums and above shouldn't be allowed to enter this contest. Since the main prize is a map...
Nice map Dave - well done for creating ALL of this map. Every bit of it. ^_^ lol, you know what I mean.
He doesn't exist. that's all i'm saying.
Oh, lol how the hell could I forget the cage - I did make it after all ^_^ lolololol joking oh and I can't see any posts on there, probably coz...
I agree that construct is rarely forged on, but I don't agree that forging on non-DLC maps is better than on DLC maps. Like I said, I made this...
everyone is asking for more pics when the pics there show almost every single part of the map. You make think there is more, but honestly that...
construct map???????
errr.... maybe I don't know. how??
TransactionZero didn't make this map I did. If you are talking about a different map then you have the wrong thread. edit: lol sorry misread ^_^
Looks great - nice work for a competative map, queued for download - be back with a rating ^_^