hey guys i just figured out how to do a rain effect on Gimp, so i grabbed a nice stock and tried it tell me what you think.CnC...
i still have problems with the gradient maps on gimp, can u please PM me on exactly each step what to do, because when ever i try it seems to have...
ok, ill try to make the sigs a bit smaller
i entered this in the SOTW for this week, it took me half of the day to make [IMG]
thanks, i also agree this is one of the best one's i made
Hey guys, this sig took me about half of the day to make, i might enter it in the SOTW but i doubt i would win, tell me what you think and CnC...
i like it a lot and the text fits perfect
ok, thanks, i will keep that in mind
well i very much like it.
i oversharpend it because it just look wierd without that effect, and i wanted to try something different and new.
Hey guys, i just finished making this and i like it alote, as everybody can see i guess u can say my favorite toll is the smudge tool. I am still...
i am srry but i have not been here a while, what is with everbody making those? BTW third one is really cool EDIT. never mind i found it
thanks for backing me up
i actually have alote 10 x better than u. srry ( that are NON RIPPED and plus i said no offense)
i really really hate to say this, but this is is almost the worst sig i have ever seen, if u have Gimp, go look up some tutorials on...
i really like the forth one, what is that character called?
looks way better! good job
thanks, it took a while
if it doesnt allow you to view the full size render, than u have to be a member there
the render is to blury and u need to match the colors a bit more