Listen woman... I WILL OWN YOU!!! :)
Then I stand corrected...It appears I was wrong about Jun as well, apparently he is infact Asian...Asian/Indian to be precise.
Actually Jun is Russian, same as Kat.
Myself and two friends went to the midnight release and did a lan party after, it started around 1-1:30est. We had no internet. We finished...
I think he meant proof that they are in the game at all, not firefight.
Never! On a side note I think I'm gonna where Hazop when you're not around, just to degrade it a little.
This is the forth dlc pack, as in three before it.
Borderlands is like an rpg had a baby with an fps. Add to that cell shaded graphics and literally millions of weapons (last estimated count was...
I transfered the data using a flash drive. The map pack discs can be bought on for around $9 used.
I fogot about the map pack disc, gonna have to get that.
Since this isn't about Halo 3 or Reach I figured it should go in general. Anyway I recently got a slim 360 and couldn't transfer the map packs. Is...
What he said.
I think you're taking "actually matters" way more seriously than I meant it. But it does matter because Bungie wants you to feel like you are...
No ripping here, however customizable characters actually matter in Reach since that is what you'll look like in the campaign cutscenes.
Reach Gears of War 3 Fallout: New Vegas Doom 4 Aliens: Colonial Marines (if it every gets going again)
I wish you actually get off the Phantom in the beggining of invasion, it would be pretty epic to be looking from the Phantom on your way to the...
Only to friends and only in good fun. Teabagging random people just because you killed them is dumb, howevery there are certain times when I feel...
DMR...That is all.
Not that I know a lot about music but after listening to that three things come to mind. 1) The Keys in the chorus should be mixed a tad higher....
According to the gamestop website it's a visor/blast shield.