You only find them in heavy map varients so nothing to worry about.
Everymap?! This will surely need alot of work and thought to put together. Has potential though.
Zomg! It's out! I was waiting for this :D Exelent everything, dl it right now! Great job!
Which should be enough for the ledgendary maps and the up coming mythic :P
That is the worst over-used bullshit i have ever played on custom games. But i feel the same way dude, people i know hate it also =[ The real...
Different maps, same capabilities (sp?) So yeah some maps don't want a desert style and some don't want a indoors factoy style. Some do but what...
So yeah i have had this little plan i was going to use to forge on foundry but due to the mythic maps release i doubt i will ever do it so here it...
I second that (damn kidies) Oh and btw the little kiddies are the ones that produced these kinda maps. Seriously though every party with a kiddy...
>Teabaggers >Screaming n00bz on your team >LAG!!!!111!!1! >Stupid "5 secs to respawn" when it takes like 2 mins (lag....) >People that think they...
Yeah it was a pretty awesome map, i feel like playing halo 1 right naow... But my fav are= mlg foundary map on matchmaking, blackout, valhalla
The people that get them early are well know people throughout the halo comunity like Digital Ph33r and others with recon. The staff here got them...
Ok heres the deal every time i go to bungie it has this: Windows Live ID is unavailable from this site for one of the following reasons: This...
No offecne but from the spam i've seen you post on the forums and the silly topics and the likes, you are the n00b. On Topic: So the maps delayed?...
Erm i'm sure it was Syro the Dragon on the ps1 Syro was awesome ^^ Edit: Waylander @ It was a game where there was two stick like things hitting...
I'm a jumpy gamer also (a grunt poped in my face and it scared the hell outa me) but that don't realy stop me. L4D is more funny than scary just...
This looks intereresting.... I'll get a game of it and see how it fairs.
I've recently been playing as an elite and i donn't realy notice a change in sound O_o I may test it though ^^
Is a aimbot a virtual thing is it to be made in real life?
Yhis is awesome. I've been watching this for a while it's exelent! Lots of comments saying "fail" when he dies ^^
No Pics = No download Sorry mate but they would be nice ^_^