looks good but i agree. spawnkilling sucks=[ maybe if it had 2 ways up and protection from spawn killing it would be more diffulcult. but i love...
wow nice map i love it. i do lan partys a lot and this would be a great infection map. up there right next to racoon city 4.5/5. seams open thoe...
a few days delay whats the reason for this? just to not release it on saterday? why not release it on saterday i think more people could pick it...
Hello ....... goodbye
what map is this looks crazy
that was a crazy video. =] thank you. ive always wanted to see how they did that
lmao thats funny. but wow shes... too happy? idk just creapy really really creapy
wow i like some of them. personally i like the 2nd picture the best =] suttle and cool looking =]
1 rules . with one im sitting at 65%-80% headshots with br and snipe (combined)
hello =] welcome to forgehub
but thats a sin in the book of survival lol if a zombie attack would come i would not care how much noise i made as long as i get away alive...
always picked crushed over cubed for drinks but when i go outside ill pick cube. it just seams to stay colder longer. but idk. yes i like my babys...
750$ 19'' moniter windows vista ipod shuffle 15$ itunes card and axe woot xmas
wow so new game did not help and u tryed downloading it to the game. it frezes every time u load it? try this i dont think it will work but u can...
they take what they think could of been attacks and put them into this book there isover 60 pages of recoreded attack but there is no suck thing...
i got the book and read it. i have to say its a good read. lol i actualy thought it was real at the end the book goes into a lot of detail. i...
xbox or pc? usualy when that happens to me on 360 on any game i just rotate game disk make sure there is no visible scratches on it. if that dont...
nice video ty that helped a lot
what is?
hey im leadhead51 been playing games since i was 5, 17 now. i love makeing maps playing football and lan partys. i joined forgehub because i found...