Hey guys, here are my latest screenies. A lot of my friends said that the first one could be a Bungie Favorite. Just wondering what you guys...
Looks really good, but as mentioned above, the gameplay doesn't feel right at all. It feels like I'm playing on a custom sandbox map, not...
Hey Eamon here are some of mine. I figured these effects out by myself. Halo 3 File Share
Hmmm.... I am going to make a v2 with more cover, more paths to get to different places, and a better weapon set with better spawn times. I will...
The map is based on long range br fights. The sniper is the most powerful weapon and can be taken down just like the snipe towers on the Pit. They...
It's not too much, it's almost the same exact weapon list as Pit and that map is one of the best. So how can you say it's a stockpile?
Hey guys, it's Moose here with the newest addition to the Sandbox collection. May I introduce you to: BETWISSIVE This is a sandbox map that is...
This map is already up in a seperate topic.
Looks great but you might want to include an overall pic of the map so that, like the above posters said, you can find out how the layout is. I...
Wow this is an extremely plain/boring map. Try adding some cool towers off to side, or some altars, or even something completely different. Also,...
These are pretty bad you can see the weapons. I have some pretty good ones in my fileshare. Halo 3 File Share
Great map, but I see a huge flaw. If one team takes the lead, they can just crouch down behind cover for the whole game. You should make little...
Hey the Link doesn't work anymore... :( Would you mind posting a working one please? This idea looks really fantastic and I look forward to the v1.0
Wow nice the second pic looks excellent.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Halo 3 Career Stats Your K/d is horrible you've only played 5 games. Your k/d...
Aren't you that little 14 year old kid that can't type correctly and curses out people for criticism?
Are you serious TC? First you take the complete back section of Lockdown, and then we criticize it so you can either correct your mistakes or...
response Yes I designed the map, and after many test trials and countless times falling off and waiting for the ghosts to spawn, I thought, hey...
Response Yea there is a ghost elevator and teleporters.
May I introduce to you my first ever, and proudest map on forgehub: Terribad Height. This is my first post here, so please bare with me. This map...