I'm not a rabbit, who do you think I am!
Reach. My dad has been great friends with someone who works for a review company. My birthday being soon, he pulled some strings and managed...
Author: l33tmeerkatslol Map Name: Heroic Hornets Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Large Player Count: 4-8 Supported Gametypes: Manual Labor...
Do you guys think an OS ability will be the cheapest thing ever? In the middle of a... DMR battle, some guy uses OS and you just have no chance....
Looks sweet. I think this would be interesting without the warthogs and being played with something like snipers. The LOS (Lines of Sight) would...
Mongoose loop canvas? lol Great job, can't wait to try it out.
Thx dawg. [IMG]
Is that a compliment?
I don't think I can rank them, but my favs rrrrrr -Lunchbox -Roy -Pistola -Neighbor -T2 -Hysteria I'm new to the circuit. I started watching...
We're like, both purple, but on different sites!
nice avatar
I think he means he used Bungie.net to render it.
...I'm intrigued... = I heard you had rock solid evidence that you wanted to share with your best friend meerkats.
We just want to know. It's interesting, and we want to know more on the topic. That's all.
...I'm intrigued...
hi zak
Heretic, Guardian, Construct, Last Resort, Narrows, The Pit, Valhalla (Or other similar styled BTB map.) Edit: Lawl, read title wrong. Those...
This discussion is just to propose the idea that certain people knew how to ghost merge before it was "released." This has nothing to do with...
I thought of something else. :) I think there's a bit too much green. I c wut u did thar with it, but maybe if you used the blue from his back...
I don't see why you guys are shoving it away because it wouldn't be productive. It would still be nice to know, am I right? For example,...