oh my god, i loved the show 'firefly' but there should of been a series 2. :( (the movie was awesome..) well onto the map, i really love the...
i think i might just go search for my halo 3 disc for this one, its looks really good, dl. ill tell you what i think if i can get some of my...
most of you guys proberly dont remember me, i used to post maps an i posted a few sigs, i now use gimp and this is my latest sig [IMG] tell me...
dl'ed, looks really good, i like the diary and the writing style, this map remind me of the map i think got feautured and 1 of the mods made it,...
i love that song, sounds better then anythin i could ever play :) good work ps; nice mole btw :D
when i get my mic back, wanna work together, i am a relly good forger but am a bit rusty :)
your dedication to forge is proved to be better than mine (well now anyway) i am about to dl, from screenshot i assume it should play well, but i...
i did not mean to be offensive too your map at all i like it i have to admit
i've made a map called sewer rats (search it up if you want to) based on the same idea your map is but instead of the way you have made it i put...
sorry am not ussally strict but, this is in the asthectics section and its for switches and perfectly detailed maps and this is not a switch not...
i congragulate you on reading and accepting the forging 201 post. and i congragulate you for inserting that into your map. ok, this may not be...
↲i agree 100% ↲The thing is these type of l4d city stuff is getting old and unless your is better, or uniuqe, how are you getting...
right, ill give you↲Pros: new twist on a prison↲Cons: to old and boring. Messy in a few places,, read forging 201, and i hope your next map is good
your welcome, btw welcome to forge hub
i think its preeyty good, first post, preety good, but what you need to do is go on forging 201 and look at the infection thing a more balenced...
nice, clean, well forged, brilliant upgrade from griffball.↲We need a new unique and fun mini game but for now i like this one, good job
sorry about the forge project.. subscriptions gone, might not get it back sorry
ended up being grounded, banned off xbox, snook on laptop, and psp fully charged waiting upstairs preety gd :)
hey, i just decided to post (i never post anymore) i downloaded all of your maps and i have an opinion, 'THERE F*CKING AWESOME' i like how...
haha what a suprise, hello