Nice asym. I like the column wrap-around and the structure of blue base. I'll dl and test it later, after that I will get back to you with any...
what map is it on? If it's on sandbox, use Golf tins
When are you testing cause I'm good till 2:00 a.m. It's 7:50 p.m. now Map looks good, I'll have to play it to get a real feel for it
For future reference, take off filters for your post pics and say "these filters are on the map....." It makes it easier to see what your map is...
Ok... Interlocking is not neccesarry for any map...period. I find it more than slightly irritating when the first post about a map is "needs...
Really good lighthouse, really bad zombie spawn. But, not to worry, I haz tips! 1) Make an established non-campable zombie spawn area, actually...
First off, where the hell did you come from? I don't know about geranamo here, but I personally find it offensive for someone who has not...
It looks like a really smooth track, however, I would like to know how you end up in the cheaters box?
You are a seven-foot tall man walking around in enclosed spaces fighting other seven-foot tall men while in green, 1/2 ton armor that has shields...
To Havok You say too many power weapons, so instead you list almost the same amount. Also, this is not an MLG map, so no need for the MLG power...
To clubhouse for his comment, I believe that this map is meant to be dominated by the vehicles. If you look at the base, even from the pics, you...
I have not played the newest Zombie map yet, so I do not know how accurate a remake this is, however, when people I know are online all we do is...
It's not the cleanest race map I've ever seen, but it is a really good one. If you would fix the bumps and irregularities, it would be a much...
So... for a version 2... I need aescthetic structures around the sides, and mancannons..... Is that the general concensus? If so, I will get right...
They are not supposed to be ships... It is an improved version of a map that did have ships. But in order to make the gameplay work out better, I...
What are the zombie traits and do the zombies have multiple entrances? If they have no shields and 1 entrance, than you can just camp the entrance...
About the spawn bunkers, If you do spawn with a sniper, while your outside the Hill, you do no damage so camping would do absolutely nothing for...
From the pics, I see 2 BR's 1 Mauler 2 Plasma Nades 2 Magnums? Now to the map. I agree with Melturtv. Mainly that too little spawns and all out...
Mosh is a KOTH map in which you start with a random weapon, jump in a pit, and unleash hell upon your fellow fighters. There are two varients for...