Great puzzle! I myself am new to haloball puzzles so this confused me for a while. I completed the map and then watched the walkthrough. It seems...
I really hope this means you're not too discouraged to make the next two parts of this series. Regardless of the breaks I personally really...
Yes! I just finished tonight. Total time logged: 5 hours, 22 minutes. Let me start off by saying how much I enjoyed the layout and concept of the...
In my opinion this is the best puzzle since Poseidon's Lair. I love the checkpoint system; the mechanics work really well. I only had time to play...
Downloading now, i'll let you know what I think soon! Edit: This is a great map for people who have never played puzzles or just want a casual...
Awesome, I'm going to watch it right now and if you guys did it then give me your GT's so I can add you as promised
Orly? They work for me. What's going on?
There's Fungus on My Sombrero! Explore Forgeworld in a way never done before! Go from corner to corner on foot! Explore the vast riches of...
Wow, thanks for an actual review. I can add you if you want to play and show me a couple things. We weren't actually trying to make anything too...
='(.... Anyways, I think this map looks relly coola nd stuff so you did a really gooder job than last time. when i downlode it ill let u know...
How balanced are all of the buildings? It seems like these types of maps usually have one "good" building that everyone camps. However, it does...
Yea I might just render a video of one lap and put it on here. And yea, the angle I took the shot at looks sloppy, but you come from the other...
Thanks! Yea, the idea was that narrow, overlapping tracks would make it pretty fun. How many people did you play with?
Whoops, i pretty much suck at posting threads, done it like once ever. Thanks, its fixed now
Happy Map 2-8 Players Download Map: this [IMG] Happy Rap is just a race map my friend and I decided to build after wanting our own. The forging...
Well, that really is quite awesome except that there is no download link! Also, you may want to embed pictures before someone scarier than me...
Sorry it took me so long to get back! Yes, my xbox live GT is JESUS
Finally! First off, I would like to apologize if this is necro-posting. I would hope not, since this thread was only on the second page....
Buddha I hope you make a larger, distortionier (huh?) map on Sandbox. Doesn't the SkyBox seem perfect? I guess I wouldn't know though, because I...
Hey I can't believe you got this out so fast. I'm just about to download it and I'll be back with a review.