The map looks great I love the design of the structures they flow smoothly and you dont feel cramped in while moving around. The vehicles work...
The map looks great it does remind me a little of sanctuary. The middle part is open on the inside which is really nice and there is just enough...
The map looks ok the I like the bases a little better than the ones on the default map just because they are easier to move around on. I would add...
Hey thanks for telling me about your new map, I like this alot better than your older one its alot more complex with the ledges on the walls and...
I like the idea for this map some of the walls are crooked from what I can see and with it being a maze and all the shotgun would might be a...
Not a bad idea You see people make things for regular battle rifles but not swords. You could probably use this for practice before playing...
The map looks pretty good. I would put the wraith on the floor just so its easier to get kills with the cannon, and since its on the floor I would...
I like this map alot the weapon choice is my favorite thing about it, it is good you didnt just put MLG weapons in I think the fuel rod gun wont...
Who cares if he made it in the skybubble. I think its better in there because he could make his own floors instead of using the regular ground....
Good Job Wow I love it I have designed a couple vertical maps but I couldnt ever make them this one looks like it has alot of my ideas in it so...
Excellent I like this map alot The B side towards this hallways is well put together I like how it has paths going all the way to the roof for a...
[IMG] Bam!! New Sig
Good Job This map looks interesting Ive never seen anything like it, Its pretty fun to play I played a few games on it. Spawn camping is a little...
Excellent Even though I loved the first Valley Forge this one is even better. The tree trunk is the coolest addition I love going inside it. The...
Good Job How does a map look rushed? I like the idea for the pallets usually all the maps i make have something on them like that to get up...
Nice This map is really fun(and really hard) i have tried it many times now and I cant even come close to beating it. My favorite part is where...
Who cares I dont
I disagree with skulltooth This map doesnt need any more merging or geomerging not every map does and the truck blockade thing is really cool it...
Great This map is great the layout is really smooth and its really fun for capture the flag I wouldn't call the mongoose bridge innovative ive...
Good This map is actually a good idea this is not the same old sandtrap you changed it up by adding different vehicles such as wraith and...