I can remember playing this at my friends place, he is a forgehub user and he downloaded this map about a month ago. we didn't use the tripod...
flipsyde are a great band. i like almost all of their songs. i have a montage coming up that will feature a song from them called 'train'.
Fusion is awesome. Great effects on all of them, and yeah, link to your fileshare for dl? =)
*Terminathaner Quality* Brillliant. Definately worth 10/10. I can't say the white circles did much for me but still, great pic.
red blaze looks like the one that mr quiggles took. (vos requiero, you missed) that one is my favourite, but the others are also well taken...
i personally liked the one that you didn't name. I also thought that the first one (intensity) was pretty cool too. awesome screenshots psycho! :)