Anybody fancy doing the 'Recruit-A-Friend' scheme with me? I'm interested in playing and would love that triple xp. I'm sure the free game time...
I love your style, reminds me of Joseph Blanchette (Legendary Frog) for some reason. The dropping sequence still looks epic. If the story is good...
Sounds pretty good and well thought out so far. 300% damage seems the right amount to replicate CoDish style. A few questions: > Are you...
Is nobody else but me annoyed at the mixed armor permutations? I loved Nylund's image of lots of identical SPARTANs. I can understand the need for...
The Doctor is called Catherine Elizabeth Halsey. And according to the books she should be much, much older and her hair should be brown. I'm with...
Its pretty darn good on the timings, but the fading just seems a bit off putting. Have you thought about using GIMP for the animation? Its pretty...
From the few tests I've done its been fairly difficult. The combination of spacing out the slits (more than in my pictures) and the speed that the...
They're in the Vents: They're in the Vents is a zombie survival game. The main idea of the game is to have very fast, deadly zombies which die...
For about 3 years now I've been playing Guild Wars quite frequently, but, I'm starting to get bored without it now and I was hoping you guys could...
Theres a hammer spree now aswell.
I just did the Endure achievement with you recently, never realised you were around on Forgehub. Personally I haven't really had any...
Personally, I love the game. I've already clocked up about 7 hours on firefight alone and managed to get all the vidmasters. I'm looking forward...
It comes out Spring 2010. My ODST box says so atleast.
Spring 2010, thats what my ODST box says.
I just got recon from the vidmasters and unfortunately there is no difference. Unless my eyes are just bad.
Team or Solo: Team (3) Map: Lost Platoon Difficulty: Normal Highscore: 876,159 Evidence: : ODST Games] Team or Solo: Team (4) Map:...
Atlas from Bioshock. Seemed like a good a ally to begin with but I really didn't expect the twist. Would you kindly...?
The one thing I really want to know is if having the H3 multiplayer disk means I can have an extra 100 custom slots.
Ah, thank you for the response. Looks like I'm going to have to put a lot of practice in.
Sounds good, I'll probably be on my x-box a fair bit these next few days so it should be easy to find me.