Hmm... I guess if i was allowed to mod the game i would introduce Pelicans, in forge and custom games as a few others said. Would be pretty epic...
Archlord is the game i play, its free to play, however if you want to get good at the game, you pretty much have to buy credits, which enable you...
I'm very much into MMO games and have been for the past 4 years or so. I did play Runescape very briefly at one point, however hated the game, its...
Believe it or not, almost every country in the world is run with some kind of a Plutocracy government, whether the government its self is ruled...
Gamertag: TR1C0R3 Times you can get on: Usually anytime between 4pm - 10pm GMT+1 (English time)weekdays and almost any time on weekends and...
The map has no real flow, it just seems like allot of random structures thrown onto one canvas; also some parts of the map are pretty open, where...
You need to embed your screenshot/s, if its not fixed in 24 hours, your thread will be locked. Click me for a guide Or me
Your post isn't up to Forgehub standards, you need to include a download link and embed screenshots. Go here for a guide on to upload screenshots....
ATM, I've only got a spring powered Beretta 92FS pistol. Me and my friends have just got into airsoft, were pretty blessed for play areas, luckily...
Sorry if this has all ready been answered but... In maps such as Redeemer and Aperture There are walls merged inside the back rooms, i've tried...
Thanks, for the feedback guys, i might simplify and rebuild the back bases so that i have enough resources to make some extra structures/levels. I...
I completed about 50% of the map 4 days ago, however i'm questioning the entire structure and layout. The template is very challenging, trying to...
I have to agree, number 1 was probably better. The story in Skate2 is well... Non exist-ant, i still haven't even finished the game because I have...
Just made a sketch up for a map i've began forging, and i need some feedback... What do you think works well? More cover? Less cover? Changes to...
Yep GIMP ftw, much better than paying £1000 pounds or so for photoshop. Linkage:GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program
Thank you very much for releasing this to the community, its going to help me out tones designing maps in the future. This template + Fritzer's...
Oh, sorry i didn't realize there was an already existing one. :\
The rules are easy, just simply rate the sig of the person above you using a 1-10 rating, and the reasons why you think the sig deserves the...
I have to disagree... What about rage against the machine? :)
Thanks ALOT for this guide its really helped me out, didnt have a clue about weapon placement or equipment placement before reading this.